Normal People - Hettie Macdonald

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to do to celebrate. I’m thinking I’ll probably go and have a regular day. I have to admit I panic EVERY year about what it is that I’m going to do for it. I just keep pretty quiet, so parties aren’t my thing, lots of food and chilling out is nice. If there’s one thing that I do, it’s things, I’m always doing something, so sometimes my birthday is just a chance for me to NOT do things, even though I’m probably celebrating by hopping onto a track and getting a very difficult workout in.

My celebrations tend to be a destruction of the self to allow myself to grow more. It’s a representation of positive growth for the year, implementing everything I’ve learned in how to grow that I celebrate by an activity of complete exhaustion. Then, of course, good food. that’s sometimes what I think it is.

In line with that is my training in my craft. A constant study and retreat into an understanding of the self and the letting go of old habits to form new skills. There’s nothing I want more than to grow and develop in my life and in my craft. What is necessary to me is my training and so I’d like to ask for some help in this regard.

I want to continue developing and there are a few chances for me to do that this summer. For one, I’ll be attending the Great Lakes Michael Chekhov Consortium, which starts next week! Training like this is pricey, and I get stuck training by myself because of the cost. More and more I wish to find mentorship in my craft to further improve my ability. Mentorship is something I need to be the external eyes after a long introspective journey post-college. I truly miss getting notes regarding training and improvement.

If you would like to support my training please consider donating here.

My goal is to be the best representation of the human and natural truths of our world and to be the greatest vessel to do so. I train so much by myself, physically, spiritually, and mentally, but as I said above, there’s only so much that I can do by myself. So I’d love to seek out mentors. Mentors who are always seeking to improve themselves, and to improve those around them.

I’ll be training regardless, as always, but any bit helps me to seek out training to continue developing even greater. Thank you!

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