My name is Matt Piper

A re/introduction to who I am and what I'm curious of.

Your Innate Sense of Curiosity is Noticed and Appreciated.

Today I wanted to update my welcome email, as well as offer this as a re/introduction into the work I’m currently involved in as well as the updates on who I am and what I truly believe in.

You’ve written your email into an inbox, a stranger’s inbox, in the hopes to find out more. “Don’t speak to strangers” doesn’t apply to you. You have realized, or will come to realize, the only way to transcend from stranger to friend is through the initial spark of curiosity. You’ve approached with curiosity and with that, I am truly grateful.

Apologies to the person on my list receiving this twice. We’ll be back to new content Monday Jul. 24.

My Name is Matt Piper.

I am an artist. My medium is acting, and I explore stories and characters that mirror a reality in our world today to create: empathy -> action -> positive change.

I’m deeply spiritual and commune with ghosts and spirits through my artistic practice. I’m granted a deep sense of responsibility to help heal these souls through the act of being seen and heard. For those that see and hear, I am a collaborative medium to tell the story, mission, and message shared between myself and the spirit.

I intentionally practice self improvement and a conscious self destruction to create and expand upon my own life. I offer what I have improved upon to those around me to hopefully, slowly but surely, transform the world into something far more positive and beautiful then we ever thought possible.

I like to open the scary basement doors. I live to make mistakes and overcome inadequacy’s that are generally left unsaid and hidden.

I’m treading my own path here. For years I’ve been discovering myself through self help, modern and classical psychology and therapy, the art of acting, athletics, health and wellness, and quite simply, life. And I’m not about to stop now. I have yet to discover so much. A title I’ve granted this path of mine is:

My Journey Toward Artistic and Spiritual Freedom.

This freedom to me is:

  • A profound understanding and allowance of my art.

  • The discovery of the spirit and a continuous communing and building of the spirit.

  • The exposing and acceptance of my shadow self.

  • The self-permission to live financially free, humoring the capitalist world to later transform the system from within.

  • To discover and support those who are actively and consciously developing themselves and transforming the world around them.

You’re invited! Invited to join alongside me in this journey. Invited to embark on your own path. Invited to grow along with like-minded individuals who aim to support you as you grow.

This newsletter is a transference of ideas, a dilution of thoughts, and an intentional crafting of communication and storytelling of the journey that I am on to inspire you to take a journey for yourself. Discovering that which is truly yours.

To best communicate a path to you I felt it was important to have an ultimate objective. Something to work toward, make focused effort, and learn from the mistakes. So I’ve decided…

I Will be Writing a Book.

This book will explore the 12 Jungian Archetypes:

-The Innocent












The 12 archetypes portray the Guides that are within us as we take the path of the Hero’s Journey. I felt it would be imperative to discover the lessons from each archetype as I myself am on my own “Hero’s Journey.

For each month of the year beginning in Aug. 2023 I will personally be exploring one archetype per month. This book will be a self reflection on my personal discovery of each archetype, and the creations I make with them. It will also provide a practical toolkit to creatives, storytellers, actors, and more to better implement character into their work.

Simply, I’m curious. Curious in how these tools will expand my knowledge of the self, and how it might help others. Curious to see if these tools could improve how I view personal branding and how it might improve the storytelling of businesses. Curious if I can even write a book!

In my exploration, I will document and discover. It will take a long time, but to have a focus sends electricity through my veins and catalyzes motion within me. An energetic action toward creating something of powerful proportion. One can only hope.

How to Support Me Further.

With the foundation cemented and set, if your curiosity is further sparked you can support me through my Patreon page.

You will be supporting the time it will take to explore this work intentionally. You will also be supporting the copious amount of caffeine it will probably take to transcend this planet and commune with the universe’s archetypes. You’ll also be supporting the beginning of stepping out of my day job to become a full time writer/artist/actor.

When you sign up you gain exclusive access to my discord channel where I plan to host weekly meetings about creativity, self help, archetypes, and more. Patreon Community member will also receive behind the scenes footage of the work that I’m creating on YouTube, social media, and even these newsletters.

Through my discord, and mostly through anything at the moment, you have direct access to me. Ask anything and I will do my best to answer you. I want to help people the best I can, and through my art and my curiosity I believe that is something that I have the ability to do.

All socials are listed with icons in the box below. Click any for your desired path, and respond to any of these emails if you have inspirations, insights, thoughts, ideas, questions, or criticisms.

Again, I wish to thank you for your initial curiosity. I hope to continue building this relationship between us and continuing a growth toward development and artistic and spiritual freedom.

Much love today and everyday,

Matt Piper 🐅🌱


or to participate.